"At last my love has come along
my lonely days over and life is like a song
Ooh, yeah, yeah
At last the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
the night I looked at you "
Finally it has happened, the nightmare that was Tony Kornheiser is no longer going to befoul Monday Night Football. His fear of flying finally getting the better of him Tony K announces he will not return to the TV staple.
As if that news was not good enough, ESPN announces they will replace the King of the stupid bomb with the King of the F bomb.
That is right legendary curse master Jon "Chucky" Gruden will join the three man team on Monday Nights!
"This is a tremendous opportunity and I am very excited to be associated with ESPN and Monday Night Football," Gruden said in a statement released by ESPN. "I grew up a fan of Monday Night Football, and whether I've coached on Monday night or watched, I've hardly missed a game all these years. "To join Mike and Jaws in the booth and to work alongside this top-notch team is going to be a real thrill."
Now I am sure we can all agree this is a short lived gig. Gruden will no doubt go back to collecting QBs on the sideline either in the Pros (Philly, Cinncy) or in college (Notre Dame) but for this season he will bring his big boy vocabulary and little boy hair cut to the booth!
As for Kornheiser, unfortunately he will continue to spare up the sports universe with his existence on Pardon the interruption, but that show is so easy to ignore I will not even know it. More important is the fact that the 65 pound putz whose football knowledge extends as far as the jocks he sniffed in junior high school and the jocks who administered swirly to him every WED, is gone and never again do we have to experience him sparing us to death during God's gift to humanity football.
Happy days are here again!