Wednesday, April 01, 2009

RANT on Cook!

They did want him. They did not want him.

He did want them. He did not want them.

Now his agent is on the phone with the Jets and Eric Mangini?

Sounds vaguely familiar to a nightmare I had last year.

This time however it is not a messy divorce between my all time favorite player and my favorite team. The 2009 version has Jay Cutler and the Denver Broncos nearing the precipice of irreconcilable differences in an out of control vehicle. Like the 2008 story the driver is still Bus Cook.

Almost like an overly protective father ready to beat up his son in law that might look at the pretty girl in the corner, Cook seems to turn to melt down mode whenever a team cast wondering eyes on another.

When Ted Thompson (a pretty good GM despite his one way ticket to hell for mishandling Green Bay’s GOAT) turned his eyes to Aaron Rodgers Cook went nuts. When he started making comments to ESPN about Favre not being done, and not retiring it was the first step in Cook's beat up of Green Bay.

Never mind the fact Cook was making money for his client (and himself mind you) off retirement gigs and the Madden “Favre Retirement Edition”, no he would not have his client done that way.

Cook finally convinced a Mississippi farm boy to move to New York?, because he was sure Favre still wanted to play. Never mind the fact Favre was happy in retirement, hates big cities, and was in no shape to begin a season.

While it was never said aloud; the fact that Cooks final Favre big pay day only came after Favre meet the roster date that triggered his final bonus, and had Favre not played Cook would have missed those dollars. Cooks contract also calls for him to get a % of the player part of jerseys sales. So the surge in Brett Favre Jets (like the one EO Jr. wanted and got for Christmas) jerseys and final edition Brett Favre Packers jerseys netted Cook a nice piece of change too.

So what to do in 2009 for Bus Cook; Favre is really going to Mississippi to ride his tractor (albeit with a permanently damaged right bicep), jersey sales are down, and Cook's out of touch reputation is hurting him attracting incoming rookies.

Well heck, it worked last year and Denver did look at that kid from New England uhm…

Now Cook is talking to whom; the Jets and Eric Mangini with Tampa Bay, and the threat of the NFC North’s 3 headed QB vacuums thrown in to raise the pot. The fact Mangini is now in a new city all the better right. New York sells jerseys Pennington, Favre, and Eli Manning have proved that. Cleveland? Well Brady Quinn was not even a starter when his jersey sales cracked the top 10 in the NFL.

Cutler is getting bad advice; the new offense that Denver will run is tailored to make the QB fame and fortune. Ask Drew Bledsoe, Tom Brady, Matt Cassel, hell ask Brady Quinn, and future NFL millionaire Jimmy Clausen. Forcing his way out of Denver to the vanilla offense of the Jets or Buccaneers is not conducive to Cutler making pro bowls or money. The only person that stands to gain is Bus Cook.

Sure, I am bitter about Cook forcing the divorce between Favre and Green Bay.

Sure, Cook cost me money with EO Jr’s 6th birthday present (a Cutler away jersey) and his 2008 Christmas present (the afore mentioned Favre Jets Green), but I am not just sour grapping here. Bus Cook is making a mockery of being a sports agent, to the point even that I now rank him as the #1 most evil agent in football and the #2 most evil agent in sports (in front of Drew Rosenhaus, who actually does take care of his clients needs and behind Scott Boras on the evil agent scale). The NFL needs to step in and prevent these bad recipes being served up from the kitchen of Bus Cook.

Rampant speculation on where Cutler will end up is a good topic for another post so I will defer, (duh the Jets) but I can say this Scott Boras might need to look out if Cutler ends up in Cleveland and thus cost me money on EO Jr’s 2007 Christmas present (a Quinn Cleveland Brown).